The second, and perhaps most significant, is that it can make a level out of any CD track. While not monochrome (the scale at the bottom showing remaining time and the scoring gems are in color), it is a throwback to the primitive graphics of the early 80's. One, it's a Vector Game - despite when it was developed, it runs entirely on vector graphics. Hitting too many obstacles causes Vibri to devolve (from rabbit to frog to worm to game over), although successfully navigating ten in a row causes Vibri to evolve back up (and potentially go from rabbit to princess). The obstacles appear in time with the music, and reaching the end of the song means reaching the end of the stage. There are four basic obstacles (spikes, blocks, loops, and pits), which can further be combined into a dual obstacle (for example, spiky loops and blocks with pits in the middle). In it, you have to guide a rabbit named Vibri across a mobius strip called the Vib Ribbon, dodging obstacles along the way. Vib-Ribbon is a Rhythm Game produced by NanaOn-Sha and released for the Sony Playstation. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

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